Care today-Ghana is a registered (companies Codes 1963, Act 179, CG013442012) non-governmental organization (NGO) which acts around youth issues by giving them the opportunity to explore, excel, contribute, earn, lead and join to change the odds for all youth in Ghana.

Today’s youth make up the largest generation ever to enter adulthood, but the experience of youth today will determine the quality of the next generation of workers, parents and leaders. “What we do to our youth, they will do to society”

If these words are to ring true, then we are in for a whole lot of trouble and if we don’t counter the trend, our young people will increasingly lack the emotional resilience and social competence that is needed to make society a safe, fair and happy place.

So many of the problems with the youth are systemic and are created by a multitude of circumstances and situations, some developed over years, some decades and some much further than that. All we need to do, is to be brave and really take these problems by the horns, implementing long-term solutions that take an intergraded approach to supporting our youth.

Care today-Ghana believes long-term, far reaching solutions that integrate all the different aspects to produce long-term success should be the only option. Making young people part of the solution rather than making them a problem that must be dealt with. Only through participation will give youth the authority, agency and ability to feel and empowered to create change in them.

Care today-Ghana has projects that are most effective at promoting positive outcome for youth and are framed in terms of the constructive assets they seek to build, rather than the negative behaviors they seek to avoid. We are intentional about promoting serious intervention-focus programs that can incorporate youth-centered, strength –base approaches that yields the desired rehabilitations results. We believe a program that uses scare tactics to curb youth violence and delinquency not only is ineffective but also exacerbates the problems.

So join us start a revolution on how we view, think, respond and act towards young people.

Our Mission & Vision


    To promote the welfare and safeguard the rights of youth to exist, develop and meet life needs by highlighting problems and designing programs or projects to improve their life in accordance with developmental aspirations of Ghana.

    • To create the much-needed environment conducive to the development of the youth socially, culturally, spiritually, economically as well as other areas of human developments.

    • To attract and retain youth by building on their strength and interests and provide them with opportunities to develop deep relationships that can change their lives.


    Our partners have worked with us to deliver ever more innovative, effective and successful projects and programmes.