Obed Agyapong is a store planner and a social entrepreneur whose focus is to seek the welfare and safeguard the rights of the youth in Ghana. He is the founder and the Executive Director of Care Today-Ghana. Obed Agyapong holds a diploma in Painting and decorations and an HND in Graphic designing form Takoradi polytechnic now Takoradi Technical University. In his quest to see Ghana produce respectful, responsible young citizens, He enrolled at the University of Ghana to acquire Diploma in youth development on a commonwealth youth Development program (CYP).

He is currently pursuing a degree and is at level 300 reading Psychology and Information studies at the university of Ghana.  Obed Agyapong is currently the store planning manager at Melcom group of companies –since 2009 – till date (the largest retail shopping center with over 40 store across Ghana). Am also into both crop and animal farming (palm plantation, Piggery and rabbits’, which are all located in the eastern region of Ghana).

The world has changed drastically in a relatively short period of time and that our children are in peril unless we take wise and loving measures to raise them in the midst of this cultural minefield. “what we do to the youth, they will do to society” if those words ring true, then we are in for a whole lot of trouble and if we don’t counter the trend, our youth will increasingly lack the emotional resilience and social competence that is needed to make society a safe, fair and happy place. If we want to improve on situations of the youth, then we must realize that it may take as long to improve as it did to break down in the first place.

So join us start a revolution on how we view, think, respond and act towards young people.